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Lenten Mission

March 27 and 28


   Theme: Reasons to Hope

Ash Wednesday

March 5, 2027

@ 7:00 pm

Lenten Mission

March 27 and 28

More Information to Come


Important: Please bring your palms from last year!

(we will turn them into ashes for Ash Wednesday)

Saturday Ladies' Retreat
will start again on February at 9:45

Advent Mission

Program for the Advent Mission.


Wednesday, Dec. 4

5:30 pm       Mass

6:00 pm       Opening Prayer: Jubilee Prayer

                      Short Video Clip from Notre Dame.

                      Introduction to the Advent Mission: “Look! l am doing a            New thing…..(Isaiah 43:19) - Navigating through the jubilee year of hope!

How to prepare for the Jubilee Year of hope.

Coffee Break/ Interaction.

Review on Catechetical Resources on Plenary Indulgences during the Jubilee Year.

Conclusion/ Closing Prayer.



Thursday, Dec 5

 5:30 pm Mass

6:00 pm Opening Prayer: Jubilee Prayer

Short Video Clip from Notre Dame Nigeria.

Talk: Christian Responsibilities for Inner Peace

A. Out of my Control.

B. In my Control.

Workshop: In groups (15minutes).

Coffee/ Interaction ( 15minutes).

Presentation/ Reports from groups Conclusion/ Closing



Friday, Dec 6

5:30 pm Rosary, followed by Mass

6:15 pm Catechesis.

General Questions/ Answers.

Adoration/ Confession.

Burning of Prayer petition.

Closing Prayer


CWL Craft Fair

A community Craft Fair organized by the CWL is happening this weekend:

Saturday 10:30am-4pm & Sunday 11:30am-5pm.

Come check out the unique items on sale!

Canada Needs Our Lady

The Public Square Rosary sponsored by Canada Needs Our Lady will be one of more than a thousand rallies that will take place all across Canada on that day.

Please join us in offering reparation for the sins and offences committed against the lmmaculate Heart of Mary and to fervently pray for the conversion of Canada.


Rosary Rally on October 12, 2024

​Our second Rosary rally for Canada is coming up on Friday,  October 12th at 1pm.

It will be held along Hwy 16 West and Ferry Ave along the southern side paved walkway by the School District just 1 hour prior to Right to life at 2 pm. 


The Virgin Mary appeared to three children - Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta - in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. She appeared one time each month starting on May 13 and ending on October 13. During her apparitions, Our Lady gave them messages for mankind and secrets about the future.

To honor and celebrate this special event in the life of the Church, the Portuguese-Canadian Community in the City of Prince George has requested that the Mass on Sunday, October 13 at 11 am, be a celebration that includes a special devotion to Our Lady. Following mass, there will be a procession of the image of Our Lady within the church and school grounds.

Craft Fair

Hosted by the CWL, on October 19 and 20.

Please go to the CWL section for more information

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                                               Rainbows Prince George

                               "Because it doesn't need to hurt forever..."


Rainbows programs are designed to assist children, adolescents and adults who are grieving a death, divorce or any other painful transition in their family.

Has your family or someone you know experienced a death, divorce, separation, or other painful transition?

If so, our accredited site at St. Mary’s Parish, Prince George, may have the grief support program for you.

Registration for our fall session, starting September 19th, is now open.Please visit for all information and registration.


Right to Life Society Prayer Vigil

Our First Sunday of the Month Prayer Vigil will be held on Sunday, August 4th, on the footpath at the intersection of Ferry Avenue and Hwy 16W from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm. Please join us in witnessing to the sacredness of all human lives, lives that we are called to respect and protect.

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"...And if  Christ has not been raised, our preaching is empty and our faith comes to  nothing."  (1 Cor 15:14)


         Have a very blessed Easter!

                    - Fr. Michael


Advent Mission 2020

Fr. Maurice Emelu, originally from Nigeria, gave two talks for Christ our Saviour. The first one is on the power of faith and how it is a way to navigate uncertain paths. The second one is on discernment and how to discern God's will for you.

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